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About Us

SRC Logo 2018

The Social Research Centre (SRC) at Ontario Tech University is an interdisciplinary, social science research unit and training centre housed within the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities. The centre offers a variety of research services to university faculty and administrators, and external clients looking to do research primarily in the Durham Region.

At the SRC, we strive to deliver high-quality research for projects from both inside and outside the university. Inside the university, our clients consist of faculty researchers, who are looking for assistance with their research projects, or administrators, who may be looking for an evaluation of currently implemented programs or procedures. Outside the university, in the greater Durham Region community, the SRC services clients in both the public and private sectors who provide social services to the community at large. 

The research done by the SRC is heavily client-driven, wherein we will explore the perceived research needs of the client and create an appropriate research plan to properly suit these needs. In addition to consulting on a general research plan, we are able to facilitate almost all kinds of research to gather the necessary information our clients may seek. The SRC is capable and skilled in both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, and other research approaches a client may need.

In addition to providing research services to the university and community at large, the SRC is focused on student engagement and mentorship. At the SRC, we aim to support student learning through our research projects and regularly have students volunteering and working at the centre. As we are housed at Ontario Tech, we feel strongly that students are given the chance to learn and grow through what we do at the SRC. If you would like to work or volunteer, at the SRC, visit our Training and Education web page for more information.

One final area of the SRC is developing a workshop series to train students and community members about practical issues pertaining to applying research approaches and methodologies. These workshops are currently in development. If you have a particular topic of interest, complete an application found on our Workshop page and we will consider your request when planning our workshop series. If a public workshop is not available for your request, a private seminar may be available on the topic.

For more information, contact the Social Research Centre or Matthew Stein, Director of SRC.